
So Much To Share!

So I'm not sure if you've heard, but in the census that was taken a few years back in england, Jedi became an official religion, as a bunch of people listed it as theirs. Looks like heavy metal fans are out to do the same thing, only here in America. Though, I suppose in the long list of ridiculous things heavy metal has brought about in this world, being called a religion is on the tamer side.


So what do plus size models, non-lite domestic beers, butter, and willie nelson all have in common?

they're all on the list of the 28 Most Underrated Persons, Places, and Things of the Decade.

It's a pretty interesting list, and you'll get a chuckle out of more than a few. And I must say, the #1 is pretty underrated, despite it's being bad ass ;)


Okay, I know I post ALOT of links, but this one is pretty fucking insane - globally, animals are doing crazy shit. Idk man, you just gotta read it. In particular, the #2, Ants With Collective Intelligence, has a video. They put something like 10 tons of cement down an ant hole before it's full of cement. Then they dig out everything but the cement so you can see exactly what a "sprawling metropolis" the underground ant world is. It's fucking insane. Skip to the last like, 30, 45 seconds though, just to see what it looks like. No reason to watch all that digging. They also tackle animals prediciting earthquakes, commiting suicide, and how all cows face one way while eating.


Oh, also in my clickophelia, I've discovered that apparently Ms. Lohan's mommy was saying her daughter was involved with Heath Ledger prior to his death. Ew. I am conciously choosing not to believe that, as he was a sexy, talented man, and she's.... well... we all know wtf she is.

and not gonna lie, I cried the day he died.
It's still kinda hard to look at pictures of him, as I did to find this one for the blog.
He's heartbreakingly gorgeous, with such talent.

Only the good die young, right?

I am, however, excited for 'The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus'. I feel that the combination of talent that came together to save the film may end up being reminiscent of the Dylan film 'I'm Not There', which could be interesting.


Oh, I also went a little outside my box this week, signing up to be a part of Spencer Tunick's art. While the chances of my actually being called upon to participate are slim, it would still be really cool.

Some of his previous work...

Miami, Fl


Grand Central Station

Cool right? I love the nudes. Something about the juxtaposition of human flesh against the world is always compelling, and in mass its something else entirely. Neat stuff.


The Coachella 2010 Line-up Has Been Announced!

view larger at the Coachella website, here.


Phew. That's all I have for you today. Life's been pretty slow. The advertising job is going well, and aside from my newfound desire to try and Capitalize EVERYTHING, nothing's new in Hannahland.

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